Well, being totally honest, it could be an abundance of things. It could be the fact that I picked up and moved from Minneapolis back to the east coast in June. It could also mean that I started a new job or re-joined Weight Watchers (which I’ve been contemplating for ages). And yes, while I’ve done all of those “its” listed above, the specific it that I’m referencing is setting a new personal record for running! I ran around Central Park for a whopping 1 hour, 4 mins and 20 seconds without stopping, for a total of 5.53 miles.
Now let me tell you…for someone who hasn’t run more than 2 or 3 struggling miles at a time, this is a huge feat for me. It’s just a start as I continue to prepare for the Perfect 10 miler race in October but a great start it is. I’m learning that it truly is mind over matter. Sometimes we just have to get out of our own heads and well…do it!