Numero Uno
Yay for lil beagles all over the world. Uno is the top dog. Is he not the most handsome little thing? Look at that strut….
Yay for lil beagles all over the world. Uno is the top dog. Is he not the most handsome little thing? Look at that strut….
So Oprah had a Valentine’s Day special and I was thrilled I caught it. I got to learn about Oogy. I fell in love. Everytime I hear a story or see another cutie dog, it makes me even more anxious for the day I adopt my own sweet pup. Here’s the story from Love… Continue reading Oogy love
The first thing I must tell you about is how mean people stink. I believe back in November I mentioned that I was attacked by my neighbor’s dog. If you didn’t catch that story, here’s a brief synopsis: (setting: my three story building lobby area) It’s the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I’m walking down the… Continue reading Love thy neighbor?
My, my, my, I have so much to tell you all. Since I don’t want to lose you with a LONG post with all the “going-ons” over the past couple of weeks, I’ll just do separate posts.